
    United States (USA) Liquid Biopsy Market (Screening & Treatment Monitoring) was USD 2 Billion in 2015
    24 Dec, 2016

    Liquid Biopsy is transforming the way cancer screening is done. Liquid Biopsy tests are getting a foothold in the diagnostics sector as alternate choice compared to present biopsy tests being done to detect cancer. Liquid Biopsy works by detecting dead cancer cells which are shed into the blood stream, by simply drawing the blood from the patient suffering from cancer.


    United States Liquid Biopsy market has two major prospects; firstly liquid biopsy is being used for screening of cancer types. A liquid biopsy can identify the markers in colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma cancer, leukemia cancer and any other cancer located throughout the body. The second opportunity of liquid biopsy is that it helps in identifying the percentage of tumor that is mutated and helps a doctor in reaching a decision from all the treatment options, if there are any other treatment options available.


    United States Liquid Biopsy Screening Market for 2015 was less than USD 1.5 Billion and United States Liquid Biopsy Treatment Monitoring Market was less than USD 500 Million.

    United States - Liquid Biopsy Screening Market & Liquid Biopsy Treatment Monitoring Market (Million USD), 2015

    Liquid Biopsy Treatment Monitoring Potential Market & Forecast


    Research report “United States - Liquid Biopsy Potential Testing Market & Volume Analysis to 2020” provides market data and volume of all the segments of Liquid Biopsy in USA.

    • United States - Liquid Biopsy Potential Market & Forecast
    • United States - Liquid Biopsy Screening Potential Market & Forecast  
    • United States - Liquid Biopsy Treatment Monitoring Potential Market & Forecast
    • United States - Liquid Biopsy Potential Test Volume & Forecast
    • United States - Liquid Biopsy Potential Screening Test Volume & Forecast
    • United States - Liquid Biopsy Potential Treatment Monitoring Test Volume & Forecast

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